Bonsai Show

On Saturday, April 18, 2009, after exploring the fine arts festival, I drove farther south to Palo Alto for the Kusamura Bonsai Club show. Mentally, I considered this a replacement for the Japantown Cherry Blossom Festival which I'd been to for the last three years but didn't make it to this year. It always has a bonsai show.

I took these pictures of plants that particularly struck me. It turns out pictures of every tree are online at the club's website. It was a fun little exhibit to explore. There were a number of club members wandering around, so I chatted with some of them and learned more about bonsai. I also overheard some interesting explanations, one of which is in a picture caption. By the way, the club sold a wide selection of bonsai plants out back, but, given my previous failed attempt at raising a bonsai, I decided not to buy one.

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