I spent three and a half hours hiking Wunderlich Park on Sunday, March 23rd, 2008. I walked a long route (10.9 miles, 1700 feet elevation gain) through a variety of environs (e.g. forests and meadows). Despite the length, it felt easier than my hike the previous day and was certainly never as steep.
I took a fair number of pictures.
Wunderlich Park Hike
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Monday, March 31, 2008
El Corte de Madera Creek / Skeggs Point Hike
Enticed to enjoy California's great weather given my return from the northeast, on Saturday, March 22nd, 2008, I hiked some of the northern half of El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve. Although I intended to follow this route, I took a wrong turn at some point and had to plan my own course. (Good thing I picked up a map at the entrance!) Over the course of three and a half hours, 6.3 miles, and one thousand feet of elevation gain, my route, strenuous at times, ended up taking me past many of the same sights as the one I originally intended. It was a pleasant, forested walk. I took a few pictures.
Plus, I got to see some pretty grand vistas from Skyline while driving to the park.
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
New England: Change of Scene
For a change of scene, I spent nearly three weeks, February 28, 2008, to March 18, 2008, in the northeast. It wasn't a vacation--I worked remotely. Including the two days I spent traveling, I only took three days off work.
My activities during the trip are documented in my photo repository by a smattering of pictures and fair amount of picture-less commentary.
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Caltrain Ping-Pong
Due to a flat tire on my car, I recently commuted to and from work via Caltrain. On my way home, it appears I was a bit out of it. I read the schedule online, took the shuttle to the Mountain View Caltrain station, and boarded the train I intended. However, two stops later, they announced the next stop will be Millbrae, which is past San Mateo, the stop I wanted to get off. After I heard the announcement twice, I realized I wasn't imagining things. I checked the schedule and found I was on an express that skipped my stop. Oops! I was supposed to have taken the train that left ten minutes later.
I decided to get off at Millbrae and catch the next train southbound. I only had to wait ten minutes for it. The next train was a partial express, and also skipped San Mateo! Yet, I had to take this train because the next southbound after that was nearly an hour later.
Thus, I again rode past San Mateo, this time to Hillsdale, got on the next northbound train, a mere five minutes later, and disembarked in San Mateo. Phew!
Incidentally, in the end, I only arrived twenty minutes later than I would have had I taken the right train.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008