May's Bounty

On Saturday, May 24, 2008, for the first time in quite a while I made it to the San Mateo Farmers Market. Despite the unseasonably overcast and temperate day, there was a good crowd. I'd forgotten that the spring and summer arrive with an abundant harvest. I thought I went a little overboard when I came home with cherries, an assortment of various types of peaches, snap peas, strawberries, and flowering Chinese cabbage, plus a few baked goods such a pumpkin bolani and a miniature pizza (decent--I had half of it for lunch). I also noshed while I was there, on an apple cinnamon muffin (good once I removed the sugary topping) and a cheese puff (eh).

By the time lunch at home was over, I'd finished half the cherries and most of the basket of strawberries--oh, so good!--and realized I hadn't overbought at all.

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